Sunday, November 30, 2014

Biggest boy band in the world: One Direction

As hard as I try not to be a fan, I have to admit I fell for One Direction and I fell hard. It all started freshman year when I walked into my first period math class.. I ran up to my best friend Alex and asked her if she had heard that new song What Makes You Beautiful by that band One Direction and she had heard it, and like me, was instantly obsessed. I mean look at them.. if you were a 14 year old girl, how could you not instantly fall in love..

I've seen them twice. It should be three, but I couldn't see them the summer in between freshman and sophomore year because the concert was the same night as my brothers graduation party, and honestly.. I haven't really gotten over it.. but anyways other than that I have seen them every summer since (2013 and 2014).

If I said I have experienced a better concert before this, I was lying. When we (Alex and I) arrived at Tinley Park First Midwest Bank Amphitheater our seats were the very last row of seats before the lawn area. So trying to not be upset with where we had seats and just being grateful that we had actual seats, we got in line to enter... WHEN... I heard these two other girls yelling to see if anyone wants two tickets for section 103 row AA seat 9. AKA tenth row off the end of the cat walk.. so me being the loud mouth I am, I literally screamed at them because I knew I had the cash. We bought the tickets from them and sold our other ones and went and found our seats. Oh My Gosh was the only thing I could say. It was my first time seeing this band that I was head over heals in love with. Alex had already seen them in 2012 so yes, she was excited but not nearly as much as I was. 

Their opening act 5 Seconds Of Summer came on stage and I swear Alex and I were the only people in out entire section who knew who they were so we were jamming to their songs and really having a good time! 

Finally, The video started which means there was 60 seconds until the five loves of my life were going to be on stage. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. There they were.. I said I cried a lot at Jonas Brothers..oh my if that was a lot then I cried the equivalent of... a lot okay, trust me it was a
lot. But that was 2013..

2014.. well that's a different story. I bought my tickets for the 2014 concert when I was still deep deep deep into the obsession. But I guess you could say my "Teen life crisis" saved me from another 2013 experience, Towards the end of my junior year, I had some realizations about where I was in my life and I realized that the crazy obsessed fan girl was not who I was anymore. I was going to be a senior in a few months. And in college in a year.. I couldn't be acting like that anymore.. That decision to change was probably one of the best decisions of my life. Just from then, I have grown a lot. 

So Junior year was over and I wasn't really into them anymore and honestly I was scared for the concert because I didn't want to become that person again. So August 30th rolls around and Alex, my friends Laurn and Diya, and I made our way to the city and Solider Field. Our seats again were amazing and I was really looking forward to the show, but this time around there was no tears, like any actually and I was actually kind of surprised because I still "love" them but I wasn't obsessed and it honestly made a huge difference. After the concert I just wanted to go home, and usually Alex and I want to go stalk and try to meet them. It was just very different. I had a blast don't get me wrong, I just grew up and it was necessary.. there were too many ten year old girls there.. 

I still love their music, in fact they just had an album come out and I think its pretty good, but they 
don't consume my life anymore I could not be happier. 

Photos brought to us by: 

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