Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ed Sheeran

When I was asked who had the most angelic voice that I have heard, the only person that came to my mind was Ed Sheeran, AKA my ginger Jesus
you can't tell that he is ginger in that picture, but I have that same poster in my room and I love it. 

I honestly have nothing negative to say about Ed, I have seen him twice in concert and both times were just brushing perfection. The first time I saw Ed Sheeran was at the Riviera Theater and it was perfect, it was a little snug on the floor but I still had just enough room to breath. He was touring his first album at the time, +,  and frankly his best album to me. I don't remember the exact set list but wow, I don't I have ever heard a venue full of girls go dead silent when an artist asked them too. When he sang  Kiss Me and Small Bump ( My two favorite songs) I literally got chills, and of course some tears. ( I've come to the conclusion that I cry easy...) Just everything about him is perfect. The way he presents himself, his voice and his music is something I would love to do if I ever got the chance to be a professional singer.

The second time I saw him was at the Rave in Wisconsin. That concert was when he was a bit more popular and it was also a lot more crazy. I went with Alex, and my friends Jenny and Grace. When we go there Jenny and Grace kind of ditched Alex and I and met up with our friend Julie so they could be close to the front. From what they have told me, they had a pretty crappy concert, they both were crying at one point from being shoved and smashed against the fence in the front. Alex and I on the hand were way in the back having a blast. We were dancing and having a great time making fools of our selves.

 When we all met up again after the concert to go home Alex and I couldn't stop taking about how much of a blast we had and I could tell that Jenny and Grace were getting annoyed with us, but honestly I didn't care because they ditched us, but at the end of the day, I knew we all had a good time and that's all that is important.

I think I like his first album better than his second one because its more of him singing, not rapping. He is very good at both but too me, he just sounds better singing. Where as his second album has a few more rapping songs rather than just singing, don't get me wrong. I love his second album too, I actually really like just about every song.

His second album is called, x, and I have not yet seen that album preformed live yet, but if I get the chance I would love to. My favorite song off that album is called Thinking Out Loud  its a love story and the music video is a couple dancing, but the girl is wearing a white dress so it looks like a wedding.

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//The 1975//

 If you ever needed to go to a chill concert, I would suggest The 1975, at least before they started becoming fairly popular. I have seen Them twice now, would have been three, but unfortunately I could not make it to lollapalooza over the summer.

Anyways, the first time I saw them was in September of 2013 at the Lincoln Hall in the city and that was the first concert I didn't sweat at. As gross as that is, for some reason it has stuck with me. Just the whole environment of them, I love it. Not only the band, but Lincoln Hall as well. It's just so personal and intimate with the artist. It is one of my favorite venues actually.

Besides their flawless music, one huge thing they are known for is black and white and to me, that is pure perfection. I used to just like black and white but ever since getting into The 1975, I'm just drawn to it now and I can't seem to get away from it. In the beginning of the concert, the second time I saw them, it was like they turned the venue black and white, it was the coolest thing I have ever been apart of. I can't find the picture that I took form the concert but this is what it felt like while I was standing there..
One of the most emotional parts of the second time I saw them at the Rave  in Milwaukee, WI, was when Matty Healy sang his song called Me. Its about when he tired to kill himself and he sat at the end of the stage with a bottle of wine in his hand, microphone in the other and you could genuinely feel his pain. That was my first time hearing that song because I didn't know the album had three parts until recently -but now I know all three parts by heart- and it was just amazing how the crowd shifted from so up beat to singing along in sorrow with this man, It was breath taking. 

Some of their big popular songs are Chocolate, Sex, and Girls so when they started to play those I went into concert brain and just had a great time. My friends Grace and Juliana can second that those songs bring out my worst dancing because all I do is kind of whip my head and body back and forth at the beat of the music, but to me, there is no other way to dance to that type of music. 

My all time favorite song, which they sang at both concerts is called Robbers just every thing about the song just makes me happy. Which is ironic because it is not a happy song, but its not like a sad song, I don't know, It's just really good. The band is just really good. 

I think the two times I saw them was really good because nothing crazy happened. I just went to the concert and enjoyed myself, I didn't try to be front row or meet them after, I just got to enjoy the concert and that's what I love to do- Just enjoy music- And The 1975 makes it really easy for that to happen. 


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Biggest boy band in the world: One Direction

As hard as I try not to be a fan, I have to admit I fell for One Direction and I fell hard. It all started freshman year when I walked into my first period math class.. I ran up to my best friend Alex and asked her if she had heard that new song What Makes You Beautiful by that band One Direction and she had heard it, and like me, was instantly obsessed. I mean look at them.. if you were a 14 year old girl, how could you not instantly fall in love..

I've seen them twice. It should be three, but I couldn't see them the summer in between freshman and sophomore year because the concert was the same night as my brothers graduation party, and honestly.. I haven't really gotten over it.. but anyways other than that I have seen them every summer since (2013 and 2014).

If I said I have experienced a better concert before this, I was lying. When we (Alex and I) arrived at Tinley Park First Midwest Bank Amphitheater our seats were the very last row of seats before the lawn area. So trying to not be upset with where we had seats and just being grateful that we had actual seats, we got in line to enter... WHEN... I heard these two other girls yelling to see if anyone wants two tickets for section 103 row AA seat 9. AKA tenth row off the end of the cat walk.. so me being the loud mouth I am, I literally screamed at them because I knew I had the cash. We bought the tickets from them and sold our other ones and went and found our seats. Oh My Gosh was the only thing I could say. It was my first time seeing this band that I was head over heals in love with. Alex had already seen them in 2012 so yes, she was excited but not nearly as much as I was. 

Their opening act 5 Seconds Of Summer came on stage and I swear Alex and I were the only people in out entire section who knew who they were so we were jamming to their songs and really having a good time! 

Finally, The video started which means there was 60 seconds until the five loves of my life were going to be on stage. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. There they were.. I said I cried a lot at Jonas Brothers..oh my if that was a lot then I cried the equivalent of... a lot okay, trust me it was a
lot. But that was 2013..

2014.. well that's a different story. I bought my tickets for the 2014 concert when I was still deep deep deep into the obsession. But I guess you could say my "Teen life crisis" saved me from another 2013 experience, Towards the end of my junior year, I had some realizations about where I was in my life and I realized that the crazy obsessed fan girl was not who I was anymore. I was going to be a senior in a few months. And in college in a year.. I couldn't be acting like that anymore.. That decision to change was probably one of the best decisions of my life. Just from then, I have grown a lot. 

So Junior year was over and I wasn't really into them anymore and honestly I was scared for the concert because I didn't want to become that person again. So August 30th rolls around and Alex, my friends Laurn and Diya, and I made our way to the city and Solider Field. Our seats again were amazing and I was really looking forward to the show, but this time around there was no tears, like any actually and I was actually kind of surprised because I still "love" them but I wasn't obsessed and it honestly made a huge difference. After the concert I just wanted to go home, and usually Alex and I want to go stalk and try to meet them. It was just very different. I had a blast don't get me wrong, I just grew up and it was necessary.. there were too many ten year old girls there.. 

I still love their music, in fact they just had an album come out and I think its pretty good, but they 
don't consume my life anymore I could not be happier. 

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